We are committed to providing you with a high quality service, which includes protecting your privacy. This page explains how personal information about you and your health is collected, recorded and managed in our clinic.
ScoliCare protects your privacy by keeping personal information secure from unauthorised access, use or loss. As a ScoliCare patient you will have a patient record that may be stored in hard copy or electronically on a computer-based system.
All ScoliCare staff have a duty to keep information about you confidential. There are strict policies and processes regarding the collection, use, release and disposal of personal information. This includes the use of password controls for accessing ScoliCare files stored electronically.
Your information is used by those involved in providing services to you. If referral to other services outside ScoliCare is required, your permission will be sought. Your information may be used for planning, or quality improvement purposes but if used for these activities all personal information that identifies you will be removed.
As ScoliCare works closely with children and families, there may also be times where we may be required by law to disclose information.
What information do we collect?
The ‘personal information’ we collect includes your name, date of birth, address, family history, health fund information and other details as required. Medical information may include medical history and any care you may need.
Our practice follows the guidelines of the AHPA’s Private Practice Privacy Guide 2014 for the management of health information in private practice. The Guide incorporates federal and state privacy legislation, and the Australian Privacy Principles, which requires that your personal information is kept private and secure.
How is my information used?
We will use the information in the following ways:
- To provide the most appropriate assessment, diagnosis and treatment plan
- For administrative purposes in running our Clinics, including invoicing and to comply with Health Fund and Medicare Australia billing requirements
- To liaise with others involved in your health care, including treating Clinicians, GPs, specialists and Allied Health Practitioners. This may occur through referrals for medical tests and in the reports
- ScoliCare conducts research activities. However, if we wish to use your information and results in research activities, we will not do so without the expressed consent of you or your guardian
Can you access your records?
Patients at this clinic have the right to access their personal information (medical record) under legislation. You can request access to your Personal Health Information by completing and submitting ScoliCare’s ‘Patient Request for Personal Health Information’ Form.
You may request to discuss access to your health information by contacting:
The Privacy Officer
ScoliCare Clinics
PO Box 600
Kogarah NSW 1485
Reasonable access to information will be provided as quickly as possible, in accordance with the law.
Can third parties access your records?
Requests for access to health information may be received from various third parties including:
- Subpoena/court order/coroner/search warrant/solicitors
- Relatives/friends/carers
- External clinician, GP’s & Health Care Institutions
- Health insurance companies/workers compensation/ social welfare agencies
- Government agencies such as NDIS
- Research/quality assurance programs
- Media
- Overseas parties
- Accounts/debt collection
No patient information will be released to a third party unless the request is made in writing and provides evidence of authority signed by you as the patient, or the patient’s legal guardian.
Resolving concerns about the privacy of your information
If you have any concerns regarding the privacy of your personal health information or the accuracy of the information held by the practice, you should discuss these with practice staff.
Inaccurate information can be corrected or your concerns noted in your record. For legal reasons, the original notes will be retained.
More information
If you have concerns or queries about the information we collect and how it may be used, contact the:
ScoliCare Privacy Officer on 1300 883 884
Further information on privacy legislation is available from:
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
1300 363 992
Information and Privacy Commission
New South Wales – 1800 472 679
Office of the Health Services Commissioner
Victoria – 1300 582 113
Office of the Information Commissioner
Queensland – 07 3234 7373
Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (HCSCC)
South Australia – 08 8226 8666
A copy of ScoliCare’s full patient privacy policy detailing how we manage personal information is available here.