Specific scoliosis rehabilitation and exercise programs can play an important role in scoliosis treatment.
Why do we choose ‘SEAS’ for our scoliosis exercise programs?
Specific scoliosis rehabilitation and exercise programs can play an important role in scoliosis treatment.
Why do we choose ‘SEAS’ for our scoliosis exercise programs?
International Scoliosis Awareness Month takes place yearly with the goal of highlighting the growing need for education, early detection and awareness to the public about scoliosis and its prevalence within the community.
Dr Juan Du Plessis (M. Tech Chiro) was recently in Tasmania for the 2017 Spine Society of Australia 28th Annual Scientific Meeting.
The diagnosis of scoliosis can be a confusing and overwhelming time.
In this short video clip, Dr Juan Du Plessis (M. Tech Chiro) explores some key considerations when choosing a Scoliosis Clinic and a Clinician that will provide the best care for you.
We are often asked about the principles and theory behind our approach to scoliosis treatment and management. In short: how do we know what we recommend is correct?
We are excited to welcome Dr Juan Du Plessis (M. Tech Chiro) to ScoliCare. Juan has been involved with working with Sydney Scoliosis Clinic and ScoliCare for some time now, but has only just arrived at our Sydney office to see patients in person.
It’s a month focussed on uniting scoliosis patients, families, doctors, and health professionals to promote public awareness, education, and advocacy of scoliosis. The Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), the leading international spine society, is highlighting the importance of early scoliosis detection and the effectiveness of bracing as early, non-surgical care.
The 28th of June is earmarked as “International Scoliosis Awareness Day”. It’s an important initiative and great opportunity to educate Australians, and the rest of the world, about one of the least understood spinal development conditions, Scoliosis.
As we all know, Scoliosis is commonly detected during adolescence and can cause spinal deformity, posture imbalance, and in severe cases it can affect the function of the heart and lungs. Various evidenced treatment options have been shown to be effective depending on the stage and severity of the scoliosis curve – options include special scoliosis exercise therapies, rigid or dynamic bracing, and in advanced stages, surgery.